Thursday 2 July 2009

Day 5 Worcester to Stone 64 miles (379 so far)

We all felt a little tired after yesterday’s exploits. By the time we had breakfast and drove to Worcester for the start we did not get going until 10:30. A very hot day making it hard work for us all. We crossed into Shropshire and Stafforshire following the Severn River Valley to start with. We arrived at Stone later than planned due to the terrain and the amount of times we needed to stop for drinks in the heat.
A pleasant evening was had at a local Indian Restaurant with three of Locky’s daughters. His daughter Sarah announced that she was getting engaged to Paddy, Ian responded by ordering another beer.
The Spanner passed from Vic to Locky for him taking the wrong route after he shot off in front in his desperate rush to get home to see his Mum. Ian was also awarded a WKD Wobble hat after moaning all day about the slow pace. He topped it off by getting the wobble wig – the first full house of the trip so far. Kieron came close to the spanner for deserting the ride early (to spend the night at home with his wife) although sentence is suspended as he took all our washing!
The mishap mile today was a bumble bee stinging Ian (it really was his day yesterday) on the forehead at 324 miles. Ian is fine but the bee has died of alcohol poisoning.
Some pictures will be uploaded shortly.
We are grateful to all those following our progress and their messages of support. Please keep all the texts and voice mail messages coming - it really does help us to keep going.
If you have donated already then thank you, we are edging ever nearer our target of £10k. If you have not had time to yet then visit our website

1 comment:

  1. congratulations all!
    missing the photos? Can we have some for day 6 please? Wobbly Wigs will do!

    Cant help on Disaster Miles 4 and 5 yet (because you have the ticket book and may have a closer one than I know about) but

    day 3 - John Staniland 127 miles
    day 2 - Justin Lovell-Smith 123 miles
    day 1 - - Twiggy 32 miles.
